Over the years I have honed my supply list for teaching egg tempera until it includes the absolute minimum that you need to have an enjoyable learning experience … and still keep as much money in your wallet as possible. Most of these supplies are easily available, but for a few specialized items I highly recommend ordering online from Natural Pigments…
a good-quality Italian Palette knife
a small atomizer or cosmetic spray bottle full of water
12 jelly jars or disposable dixie cups with lids to store your mixed paints
a 2B pencil
painter’s tape (the green masking tape)
a roll of paper towels
a glass painter’s palette (you can make your own by buying a piece of tempered glass and putting white paper under it)
a pad of 9x12 pad of tracing paper
90% alcohol (grain alcohol or vodka will do in a pinch)
And of course … EGGS!